Case Study: Surgery Patient for Cosmetic & Medical Purposes with a Synergistic Approach

Case Study: Surgery Patient for Cosmetic & Medical Purposes with a Synergistic Approach

Here is Nikki’s story…

Why Did You Come To See Jonathan?

I had been suffering from droopy eyelids for a while now and they were getting worse over time. Initially they were just a cosmetic issue, but now they were starting to impact my eyesight too. They felt heavy, often making me feel tired even when I wasn’t, and by the end of the day my eyes had drooped so much they were practically closed! I had resorted to using my forehead muscles to keep my eyelids open, but this was exhausting and often caused tension headaches frequently leading to migraines.

Why Did You Choose Jonathan?

When I couldn’t get help through the NHS I decided I had to go private. Jonathan was recommended to me by my boss so I booked a consultation with him.
Jonathan assured me that he could help and that a blepharoplasty (eyelid reduction /contouring) would give me the results that I needed. He explained everything very well, making sure I understood exactly what would happen during the procedure, the potential risks, though only minor, and what I could expect in terms of recovery. After we met I felt even surer that he was the right surgeon for the job.

How Did Your Surgery Go?

The surgery went really well. It was just a 40 minute procedure, with a couple of hours recovery time after. I was able to get back to my normal life after one week with a complete recovery after two weeks.
The difference now is huge. The surgery has defined my eyes and uplifted them, giving them a more natural appearance and making them much more comfortable. I no longer suffer from tension headaches either!
I would definitely recommend this procedure if you are suffering from saggy eyelids. It has made a big difference to my life.

Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty case study 2

Would You Recommend Jonathan?

Yes. The environment was comfortable, the level and standards of care were exemplary. I felt I had personal care from all the team members involved in my procedure. Mr Paulo Baraggia, Consultant Anaesthetist was brilliant at reassuring me throughout, Mr Jonathan Britto’s skills and before and after surgery care, coordinated with the non-surgical skills of Monica Berrangé, gave me the promised results. My vision is now as it should be and I am not so conscious about my appearance.


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