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Our signature Non-surgical facelift procedure

The Non-Surgical FACE Y Lift is the cornerstone procedure of our advanced approach to facial rejuvenation and facial anti-ageing treatments.

No technology can rival our signature facial anti-ageing procedure in returning freshness and youthfulness to the face and neck, very effectively, with natural-looking, long-lasting results.

Facial ageing has always been associated with the visual signs of sagging skin. For decades, the favored treatment of this sagging skin has been a surgical facelift. When ageing recurred, another facelift was done, and so on. After a second or third facelift, the individual no longer looked natural, and instead had a “tight or pulled” appearance with many scars to show.

FACE Y-Lift treatment at FACEmed is a treatment plan designed on a case by case basis by Non-Surgical Aesthetic Practitioner Monica Berrange who has over 15 years experience in non-surgical medical and aesthetic treatment.  

Your FACE Y-Lift Specialist:

Miss Monica Berrange


Please hover/tap on the images below to see the Before & After examples

Full face

How ageing occurs

At FACEmed we believe that over the past decade the art and science of facial aesthetics has demonstrated how ageing really occurs:

There is loss of fat in the face therefore volume distribution occurs. Then we develop hollow temples and eyes, the cheeks loose their definition, develop deep lines and our lips become thin and shapeless.

The skin has minimal elasticity and collagen so it becomes to sag especially on the jowls and neck. Also, where muscle animation occurs under the skin the lines and wrinkles are deeper and facial shape is also affected.

Photo damage from the sun’s harmful rays and other environmental factors. Those who have spent too much time in the sun will manifest the sun damage as fine wrinkles around the eyes and lips, patchy pigmentation, and a dull leathery texture to the skin.

We recommend that you treat only the ageing factors that affect your skin and the aesthetic harmony of your face. Pick what works best for your skin. The FACE Y-Lift option allows you to treat specific issues separately in a much more natural and lasting way. The treatment is planned according to your needs and takes place gradually over a period of few months, starting with the ageing factor that’s most apparent.

What is the Non-Surgical FACE Y Lift?

The FACE Y-Lift is a non-surgical anti-ageing facial procedure that restores and improves the appearance of the face from the forehead, jaw line to neck very effectively with natural-looking results. The FACE Y-Lift facial rejuvenation procedure enhances and restores the facial contour by:

Restoring facial symmetry
Reviving, or in some cases, recreating the jaw line
Defining cheek bones
Brightening and accentuating the eyes, softening the tear troughs & lifting the brows
Filling the ageing hollows of the temples
Lifting and firming the skin including the neck area
Rejuvenating the lips and mouth area

The FACE Y Lift facial enhancement treatment is an excellent choice for someone that:

1. Is not of an age where they require a surgical facelift

2. Demands a safe, well-tested procedure and an experienced hand

3. Is of the age but does not have the time or means to undergo a complicated surgical procedure

4. Desires to reverse the ageing process in a natural-looking way

5. Wants minimal downtime and accessible costs

Your experience

The Face Y-Lift consists of strategic placement of facial volumiser – Sculptra®, precise injection of Botulinum Toxin and customised treatment with Dermal Fillers in order to restore the facial balance and recreate the natural aesthetic harmony of each individual’s face.

Several sessions are required in order to synchronise correctly the required treatment of specific issues in order to achieve a natural long lasting result.

Quick Fixes: Fact or Fiction

Call it what you will, “Lunch-Time Lift”, “Weekend Lift with no downtime”, “Quick 30 minutes Lift” or a name by any other colour; facelift miracles do not exist! And as far as exercising your facial muscles to obtain a “natural facelift” (we’ve heard everything!), you might as well save your energy to exercise other muscles because facial muscles create wrinkles, they don’t remove them.

There are some of us who dread the idea of surgery and prefer more discreet results rather than surgery. If that’s you then ask us about Safe, Effective Non-Surgical Solutions. If you are looking for a non-surgical anti-ageing facial treatment, book a complimentary consultation with Miss Monica Berrange to discuss how our signature FACY Y-lift procedure can help you beat those wrinkles and ageing effects.

Potential side effects of the Face Y-Lift

As with all other injections there can be temporary swelling and bruising, which may last for few days. Other risks include the transient appearance of palpable, but usually not visible, papules under the skin which resolve spontaneously over a period of time.

Maintaining the result

The result of your Face Y-Lift will be a refreshed, rejuvenated and replenished natural look with lasting results.

However, maintenance is key. It is not how much you have done in one session but what combination of treatments you have, where the product is placed and when it is replenished. Regular assessments and at home skincare with high grade medical ingredients (available at FACEmed) are required to delay the ageing process.

Price Guide

Consultation No charge
Nonsurgical FACE Y-Lift £1,500.00

The price depends on patient requirements. A guide price will be given at the consultation when full assessment and treatment plan is agreed.


All treatments are paid in full at point of delivery.