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‘Autorejuvenation’ by stimulating the bodies natural production of collagen and elastin.

Joining the FACEmed family of non-surgical injectable aesthetic treatments, Polynucleotides are a group of naturally occurring molecules that have emerged as a revolutionary treatment in aesthetic medicine. These versatile compounds, extracted from marine biology, hold the power to revitalise and rejuvenate the skin from within a process also known as ‘Autorejuvenation’.

Polynucleotides work by interacting with skin cells, stimulating their proliferation and encouraging the production of essential structural proteins like collagen and elastin. With their natural origins, biocompatibility, and impressive efficacy, Polynucleotides have rapidly gained recognition as a preferred treatment for a wide range of aesthetic concerns. If you’re seeking a safe and effective way to rejuvenate your skin, polynucleotide injections offer a promising solution for achieving a naturally radiant and youthful complexion.

How do Polynucleotides work?

These injections work by stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, the essential structural proteins that provide the skin with its firmness and elasticity. As these proteins are replenished, the skin appears plumper, firmer, and more youthful, effectively reducing the appearance of facial fine lines, sagging skin, dark eye circles and eyelid lifting.

Polynucleotide injections also offer promising results for hair growth and hand rejuvenation. In the case of hair growth they stimulate the hair follicles, promoting thicker, healthier hair strands and potentially enhancing overall hair density. For hand rejuvenation, polynucleotides address the signs of aging on the hands, reducing wrinkles, improving skin texture, and diminishing age spots.

Overall, polynucleotide injections have emerged as a versatile and effective treatment for a variety of aesthetic concerns, offering a safe and natural approach to achieving a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance.

How often should I have Polynucleotide Treatments?

The frequency of polynucleotide injections depends on the individual’s needs and the severity of the skin concerns being treated. However, a general guideline is to start with an initial course of 2-3 treatments spaced 2-4 weeks apart. After the initial course, maintenance treatments can be undertaken every 3-6 months to maintain longevity of the results.

When should I consider Polynucleotide Treatment?

Polynucleotide injections are a versatile treatment that can be beneficial for individuals of all ages and skin types. However, there are certain life stages and skin conditions that may make polynucleotide injections an especially attractive option.

For individuals in their 30s and 40s, polynucleotide injections can be a proactive measure to combat the early signs of aging, such as fine lines, wrinkles, and loss of elasticity. By stimulating collagen and elastin production, polynucleotide injections can help to maintain skin firmness and suppleness, delaying the visible signs of aging.

For individuals in their 50s and 60s, polynucleotide injections can offer a more restorative approach, addressing deeper wrinkles, sagging skin, and age spots. The ability of polynucleotides to stimulate tissue regeneration and promote cellular turnover can significantly improve skin texture and overall complexion.

Polynucleotide injections can also be beneficial for individuals with specific skin concerns, such as dark circles under the eyes, scars, and uneven skin tone. The treatment’s ability to plump and hydrate the skin can effectively address these concerns, promoting a more radiant and youthful appearance.

If you are concerned about the signs of aging, have specific skin concerns, or simply want to maintain healthy, glowing skin, polynucleotide injections may be a worthwhile option for you. Consulting with a qualified aesthetic practitioner can help you determine if polynucleotide injections are the right treatment for your individual needs.

Your Polynucleotides Specialist:

Miss Monica Berrange

Complications and Risks

Polynucleotide injections are generally considered to be safe and well-tolerated, with few reported complications. However, as with any medical procedure, there are some potential risks associated with polynucleotide injections. These risks are typically mild and temporary, and they may include:

  • Redness, swelling, and bruising at the injection site
  • Itching
  • Tenderness
  • Temporary lumpiness

More serious complications, such as allergic reactions, are extremely rare.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind:

  • Avoid sun exposure for 24-48 hours after the injection.
  • Avoid strenuous activity for 24-48 hours after the injection.
  • Do not massage the injection site.

If you experience any unexpected side effects after polynucleotide injections, contact the clinic immediately.


Price Guide

A series of 3 Appointments (a full injectable treatment at each appointment) £750.00
1 Treatment £300.00



All treatments are paid in full at point of delivery.